Languages: Javascript, JSON, SQL
As a hobby, I've made a couple Discord bots in Javascript. Whisper was a helper bot for a medieval roleplay server, and zombot was a helper for a zombie roleplay server. I also intend on using a version of Zombot for a homebrew TTRPG involving zombies I am creating on the side. (See below)
A TTRPG I started after my first homebrew game, and kept developing off and on until present. I want to create an interesting and accessible zombie-themed TTRPG that anyone can drop in or drop out at any time. I don't like how games like DND or Pathfinder are a lot of number crunching. I want to create more story-driven scenarios. After developing Zombot, I realized it could be used alongside a TTRPG to represent RNG in some cases. Instead of rolling on an item table, the GM can use a command to generate the item, combining digital and analog gameplay.
The current version can be read HERE.
Engine: Gamemaker Studio 2
Team: 4 programmers (including myself as lead), 3 artists, 1 sound designer and director
I was once part of this group that was working on a unique "musicpunk" 2.5D platformer inspired by Pokemon games. I worked on combat mechanics, managed the programming team, and met with both the sound designer and lead artist to postulate next steps.
In the game, everything was powered by music, and the concepts for this game were really promising, but several creative decisions by the sound designer (also the director) caused me to leave the project. We utilized GIT for source control.
From 2013 to about 2017 I was a Pawn developer in the SAMP community. I wrote gamemodes such as Hunger Games, Fort Carson Roleplay, and a Team Deathmatch mode.